How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover

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How To Create Sexual Tension With A Friend or How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover In 10 Simple Steps

Falling for a friend is perfectly normal. Friends often make the best lovers because they already share a deep connection. But how do you move from being just a friend to something more? The key lies in creating s*xual tension.

How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover

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1. Understanding the Premise.

Creating s*xual tension starts with understanding the premise of your interactions. View the relationship as a balanced exchange where both parties evaluate each other.

This creates a sense of uncertainty and excitement, much like a luxury product that people desire to buy rather than being sold to.

2. Create Private Moments.

S*xual tension is best built in private settings. Find opportunities to spend one-on-one time with her.

Whether it’s a casual hangout or a quiet dinner, these moments allow you to connect on a deeper level without the distractions of a group setting.

How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover
How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover

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3. Dress Well and Exhibit Confidence.

Your appearance and demeanor play a significant role. Dress well, maintain good body language, and make strong eye contact. Confidence is attractive, so ensure you appear relaxed and assured.

4. Show Interest in Her.

Make your interest clear through compliments and light touches. Start slow and subtle if you haven’t shown interest before.

Compliment her outfit or new hairstyle, and gradually move towards expressing appreciation for her physical attributes.

How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover

5. Physical Touch.

Initiate light and friendly touches to get her accustomed to physical contact. Games that involve touching, like high fives or playful nudges, can help break the touch barrier. Gradually escalate to more intimate touches, like holding her hand or touching her knee.

6. Eye Contact.

Maintain strong, seductive eye contact. Relax your gaze and focus on one of her eyes to create intensity. Use the “triangular gaze” technique by looking at one eye, then the other, and finally her lips to build anticipation before a kiss.

How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover

7. Be More Confident.

Confidence is key. Improve your self-confidence by dressing well, maintaining good hygiene, and staying fit. Engaging in activities that boost your self-esteem, like learning new skills, can also make you more attractive.

8. Create S*xual Tension Through Text.

When you’re not together, build tension through text messages. Keep your messages short, witty, and grammatically correct. Avoid talking about exes or sensitive topics that could kill the mood. Keep the conversation light and flirtatious.

How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover

9. Avoid Being Too Available.

Don’t be overly available. Respond to her messages with a slight delay and ensure you’re not always the one initiating contact.

This makes you appear busy and increases your social value, making you more desirable.

10. Beware of Oneitis.

Avoid obsessing over one woman. If she’s not reciprocating your interest, move on and focus on meeting other people. Obsessing over one person can make you seem desperate and reduce your attractiveness.

How to Turn Your Bestie into Your Lover


Creating s*xual tension with a friend involves a delicate balance of subtlety and confidence. Following these steps, you can gradually build attraction and potentially transform your friendship into something more intimate.

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