Young parents have so many questions about their child so today we discuss one burning question When Can a Baby Sleep With a Blanket or Can a Baby Sleep with a Blanket.

1. Why Blankets Are Not Safe for Newborns and Infants.
- Risk of Suffocation: Until a certain age, babies don’t have full control over their movements. If a blanket covers their face, they might be unable to move it away, increasing the risk of suffocation.
- Risk of Overheating: Babies are sensitive to temperature changes. A blanket might cause overheating, which is linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

2. Age Guidelines for Introducing a Blanket.
- 0 to 12 Months: Avoid blankets entirely during the first year of life. This is the critical period when babies are most at risk for SIDS.
- 12 to 18 Months: After the 12-month mark, introducing a light blanket is generally considered safer, but only if your baby shows signs of better mobility and can push objects away from their face.

3. When Exactly Is It Safe?
- At 12 Months: Pediatricians usually recommend that after the baby turns one year old, you can start using a blanket. At this age, the risk of SIDS significantly decreases, and babies gain better control of their bodies.

4. What Kind of Blanket Should You Use?
- Lightweight: Opt for a lightweight, breathable blanket. Heavy blankets can still pose a suffocation risk.
- Small Size: Start with a small blanket that’s less likely to tangle around your baby.
- No Loose Bedding: Along with the blanket, avoid pillows, bumper pads, or stuffed animals in the crib to reduce hazards.

5. Safe Sleep Alternatives for Younger Babies.
- Wearable Blankets: These are safer than loose blankets for babies under 12 months. They function like sleeping bags and keep your baby warm without any risk of suffocation.
- Swaddling: For newborns, swaddling can keep them cozy and secure, but stop once the baby starts rolling over.

6. Key Signs Your Baby is Ready for a Blanket.
- Mobility: They can move objects away from their face.
- Rolling Over: Your baby can roll from their back to their stomach and vice versa.
- Stable Sleeping Position: They can reposition themselves independently during sleep.

7. Room Temperature Considerations.
- Ideal Temperature: The nursery should be kept between 68–72°F (20–22°C). This helps reduce the need for heavy bedding or extra layers.

By waiting until your baby is 12 months or older and choosing a safe blanket, you can give them comfort while ensuring they sleep soundly and safely.
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