In the summer, bears typically sleep in a variety of places depending on their species, environment, and availability of suitable locations. Here are some common places where do bears sleep in the summer.

1. Dense Vegetation: Bears often seek out areas with dense vegetation such as thick bushes, forests, or tall grass. These areas provide cover and protection from the elements and potential predators.
2. Under Fallen Trees or Logs: Bears may sleep under fallen trees or logs, which offer shade and a sense of security.

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3. Rock Crevices or Caves: Some bears may use rock crevices or small caves as sleeping spots. These natural formations provide shelter and cool temperatures, especially during hot summer days.
4. Hollow Trees: If available, bears might sleep inside hollow trees.4. These spots can offer protection and a comfortable place to rest.

5. Near Water Sources: Bears often sleep near water sources such as rivers, streams, or lakes. This proximity allows easy access to drinking water and a place to cool off if it gets too hot.
6. Bushes and Thickets: Bears may create day beds in thick bushes or thickets where they can rest during the day and remain concealed.

7. Constructed Nests: Some bears, like black bears, may construct nests on the ground using leaves, branches, and other natural materials to create a comfortable sleeping area.
Overall, bears choose sleeping locations based on safety, comfort, temperature regulation, and proximity to food and water sources.